Sunday, February 1, 2009


Well, it's been a while since my last post, but just so you know, I DID bake over Christmas break.. T
hese are some pictures from my birthday party in December..

Shrimp Cocktail is always nice at parties.. but you usually end up with someone like me who winds up eating all of the shrimp. An excellent dip is simply mayonnaise mixed with a few dollops of Chili Sauce... its simple and delicious! dip dip.

These be pecan fingers.. A classic Christmas cookie in my family.

And these are shortbread, another classic and Ginger snaps, which I started making last year and are very easy to make and snappy and delicious.

The table is missing something key... punch. A great punch recipe, which I serve at all my gatherings is a bottle of sprite, a bottle of cheap, unsweetened sparkling wine.. I mean, you can use the good stuff if you want, but its not necessary. Then however much Gin you want.. Its nice when you get enough to give the punch a good kick, but not enough to make it taste very boozy...
Then top it off with a bag of frozen raspberries.. its a hit. try it.

1 comment:

BAxT said...

You are so beautiful !