Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Crackers and Goodness

I made some tasty crackers a few weeks ago, the recipe called for semolina flour, but I never have any of that around - and I always forget to buy any - so I used part whole wheat flour and part cornmeal. They ended up tasting kind of like wheat thins - I was satisfied!

You just combine 1 cup cornmeal with 2 cups whole wheat flour, a large pinch of salt, 1 cup of warm water and 1/3 cup of olive oil - mix and knead that until its a bit tacky (adding more flour or water as needed) and then divide it into eight or so fist sized balls, coat them in olive oil, and set aside for an hour, covered.

Then, roll 'em out, I cut mine with one of those little pizza cutters for making the jagged edges on pie tops? you know? But you can use a knife - cut them into whatever shapes you want - you could even use cookie cutters if you want! and you can cover them in whatever you want, but I find the toppings fall off, so I use a rolling pin, gently, just to push the salt, or herbs, or whatever a little into the surface.

Put the pieces on a pizza stone, or a baking sheet with parchment paper -- and bake them at 450 until they're nice and golden, if they're thin, it doesn't take long - about ten minutes, keep an eye on them. I usually burn a batch or two.

Anyways, the reason I made these crackers is so that I could have something to go with some salmon mouse I made! And they went very well ensemble.

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