Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pumpkin Pie!

I made pumpkin pie for the dinner, because like apples, pumpkins are in season, its harvest, la la la.

Anyways, the crust is a paté brisée -- nice and flaky, and the detailing around the edge was made with a little pine cone cookie cutter.. 
I also used fresh pumpkin because no where near my house can you find canned pumpkin --
if you use frozen crust and canned pumpkin, it would take like two minutes to make the pie.. and probably also very tasty.. mmm

A little whipped cream on top is lovely --- I also made butterscotch ice cream from a scottish tea time recipe book my mum got me in scotland, incase anyone didn't like pie, but everyone just took a bit of everything :)

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